Brew Notes MacOs

HomeBrew Page for check more info

For more Formulas(packages) here

Brew Terminology

  • Formula: A package definition written in Ruby
  • Keg: Installation prefix of a formula (e.g., /usr/local/Cellar/pipenv)
  • Keg-only dependency: Dependency that isn't symlinked to places like /usr/local
  • Cask: An extension of Homebrew to install MacOS native apps (e.g., Atom and Google Chrome)
  • Cellar: Where kegs are installed (/usr/local/Cellar)
  • Bottle: A pre-built keg (rather than one built from source)
  • Tap: A git repository. To tap a repository is to make a shallow clone of it.
  • Brew bundle: An extension of Homebrew to describe dependencies

Essential commands

brew install # Installs a package

brew uninstall # Uninstalls a package

brew list # Lists all installed packages

brew search # Lists all locally available packages

brew search # Searches online in homebrew/core and homebrew/cask

brew search // # Search term is interpreted as a regular expression if bookended by slashes. Searches online in homebrew core and homebrew/cask

Useful commands

brew commands # Lists all built-in and external commands known to homebrew. Returns with subheadings for: "Built-in commands", "Built-in developer commands", "External commands", "Cask commands", and "external cask commands".

brew cleanup # Removes old lock files and outdated downloads for formulae and casks, removing old versions

brew doctor # Checks system for potential problems

brew log # Shows git log for the Homebrew repository

brew log # Shows git log for formula

brew update # Fetches newest version of Homebrew and all formula from Github and performs necessary migrations

brew upgrade # Upgrade outdated casks and formula using the same options they were installed with

brew upgrade <formula name cask name> # Upgrade formula cask

Managing Background Services

Brew services manage background services using the macOS launchctl daemon manager

brew services run # Run the service without registering to launch it at login (or boot)

brew services run –all # Run all services without registering to launch them at login/boot

brew services start # Immediately start the service and register it to launch at login (or boot)

brew services start –all # Immediately start all services and register them to launch at login/boot

brew services stop # Immediately stop the service and unregister it from launching at login (or boot)

brew services stop –all # Immediately stop all services and register unregister them from launching at login/boot

brew services restart # Stop (if necessary) and start the service immediately, registering to launch at login (or boot)

brew services restart –all # Stop (if necessary) all services and start them immediately, registering to launch them at login/boot

brew services cleanup # Remove all unused services

brew services # Lists all managed services and whether they are stopped or started


cask_args appdir: "/Applications"

Tap Homebrew

tap "homebrew/bundle" tap "homebrew/cask" tap "homebrew/cask-fonts" tap "homebrew/cask-versions" tap "homebrew/core" tap "homebrew/services"

cask "java" cask "visual-studio-code" cask "firefox" cask "vlc" cask "wireshark" cask "gimp" cask "inkscape" cask "jitsi-meet" cask "handbrake" cask "vagrant" cask "spotify"


brew "mas" brew "curl" brew "wget" brew "git" brew "vim" brew "openssl" brew "coreutils" brew "moreutils" brew "findutils" brew "binutils" brew "rename" brew "gnu-sed" brew "gnu-tar" brew "gawk" brew "gnutls" brew "gnu-indent" brew "gnu-getopt" brew "tree" brew "htop" brew "pidof" brew "pstree" brew "grep" brew "openssh" brew "rsync" brew "ssh-copy-id" brew "screen" brew "gmp" brew "nmap" brew "socat" brew "rlwrap" brew "dnstracer"


brew "imagemagick" brew "gifsicle" brew "gifify" brew "ffmpeg"

Archive & Git

brew "xz" brew "p7zip" brew "git" brew "git-lfs" brew "tig" brew "hub"


brew "jq" brew "jo"


brew "ruby" brew "yarn" brew "rbenv" brew "python" brew "go" brew "cmake" brew "openjdk" brew "kind"

GitLab Pages

brew "hugo"